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Rating: 5 out of 5.

Fishdom is a cute highly successful match-3 game. It’s in the +100 million downloads club.
This one has been around since 2008 in the form of a PC game and was adapted to mobile in 2015.

The core gameplay of the game includes completing levels to get decorations to make the most amazing home for your friend fish while taking part in events and various competitions.

Decorate aquariums, Feed the fish who live in them, play with them, and watch how they interact with one another.

The game also includes several different kinds of mini-games to play through, progress and get rewards.
Grow, feed and collect 100+ fishes!

“Grab your scuba mask — you’re in for a tsunami of fun!
Choose from dozens of thematic decorations to create homes for your finned friends
while taking part in events and competitions!”Standard Fish

Game Trailer

All Fish of Fishdom

Pilgrim Fish – Years of traveling haven’t worn out this small pilgrim. His stories are always the best!

Sea Princess – Despite her young age, the Sea Princess knows what she wants-to become queen and wear a pearl tiara.

Lady Rose – This fish can turn any garden into an eighth wonder. Not a single weed can get past her!

Fairytale Trollfish – This fish has everything a fairytale character needs-he’s handy with tools and has a deep love for nature.

Young Witch – To cook a magical dish, you’ll need a bit of luck and grandma’s recipes!

Master Detective – Even no evidence is evidence enough for this PI!

Enchanted Prince – Good deeds and love will help the Beast turn into a prince!

Smitten Mimi – Renovations aren’t her forte, but she can sure plan a dream date.

Holiday Postman – He’d love to have a magical sleigh, but he has to make do with fins and a big mailbag!

Roxy Star – The stage is her calling. Rock is her passion. This young rebel wants to become a superstar!

Theme Park Mogul – This grumpy fish has been so busy getting rich that he’s forgotten how to have fun.

Tireless Alien – Everything on Earth is new to him, but this curious alien never gets tired of exploring the unknown!

Brave Jane – The toughest nerves and most disarming smile in the Wild West!

Charming Annette – Who says perfection doesn’t exist? This gorgeous fish will prove anyone wrong!

Friendly Neighbor – His good nature is enough to create a warm atmosphere anywhere he goes!

Turkey fish – In the life of a feathered family, every day is a holiday that is not without adventure!

Panda fish – What could be better for a panda than a sweet nap after lunch? Only games with friends!

Prankster Leprechaun – Play pranks or conjure good luck? When you have a Leprechaun in your tank, every day is an adventure!

Tropical fish – Many people think that the Tropical fish acquired its bronze tan while basking in the sun.
And this is true, if you add, That she was lying in a chaise longue with a glass of lemonade in her fin.

Bard fish – The bard is known throughout the ocean for his songs. Give him a mandolin and he will serenade you!

Clown fish – The clown fish got its name for its cheerful colors and funny movements while swimming.

Fish Sergeant – As good-natured as these fish are towards their neighbors in the aquarium, they are just as strict with their fry.

Vomer – The sad look of this fish can melt even the hardest heart.

Moorish idol – Despite its quarrelsome nature, this fish will become a real decoration of the aquarium.

Butterfly fish – The false eye on the back of these fish is still surprising. After all, it seems that the fish is swimming backwards!

Napoleon fish – A true diplomat. In her company, even the most quarrelsome fish are reconciled!

Discus Blue Diamond – Watching these fish swim among the algae, you understand why they are called the kings of the aquarium.

Silver damselfish – For their grace and elegance, these fish can be forgiven for their large appetite and nervous character.

Royal Surgeon – These fish are always on the move. This is probably why they have such excellent health.

Surgeon-Achilles – These fish are absolutely omnivorous. Before you know it, all the algae in the aquarium will be eaten.

Red-toothed triggerfish – To elude predators, the triggerfish hides in holes and blocks the entrance with its dorsal fin.

Royal Gramma – Always be on the lookout” – this is the motto of the tiny gram. These fish never swim far from home.

Pufferfish – Pufferfish are always on the alert! At the slightest danger, he turns into a huge prickly ball.

Lion fish – Be careful! Getting pricked by a lion fish’s poisonous spine can be very painful and dangerous.

Cardinal – One of the most popular aquarium fish. Her mysterious character will not leave anyone indifferent!

Long nosed unicorn – The unicorn eats coral, but in your aquarium it will eat any food offered!

Leopard grouper – The leopard grouper is a true predator. Feed him on time, otherwise the rest of the fish will not be happy…

Sailfish – Undefeated champion fish swimmer. We recommend keeping it in an aquarium with strong walls.

Longspined squirrelfish – This fish’s dorsal fin looks like a shark’s, but don’t worry – it’s completely harmless!

Bird fish – The bird fish will become a real leader in your aquarium and will lead everything that it cannot prevent

Large-spotted Triggerfish – Triggerfish love to burrow into the sand, waiting for their prey… or waiting for dinner.

Cow fish – Despite its apparent clumsiness, this fish is very mobile and active. Sometimes it’s even hard to keep track of her!

Jack Chevalier – Give the Chevalier more jewelry, otherwise he will get upset and hide in the seaweed.

Longfin Platax – It is well known that watching the long-finned platyx improves mood and strengthens the immune system.

Imperial Angel – His Majesty the Emperor is at your service. You don’t have to get up…

Fire Goby – Light, sparkle, these are just some of the names that can be given to a fire fish.

Koi Carp – You will definitely love the aquarium version of the Japanese Koi carp.

Zebra – This fish inherited from the zebra not only its coloring, but also its character.

Round Platax – This fish is much more friendly and cheerful than it seems at first glance.

Parrot fish – The parrotfish, like its feathered brother, is brightly colored and loves to talk.

Spotted Triggerfish – This fish can make even algae laugh. A regular at all aquarium parties.

Lyrebird angel – A very capricious fish. If the water in your aquarium is not cool enough, it will go on a hunger strike.

Chromis butterfly – This fish got the war paint and feathers on its head from its ancestors – the underwater tribe of Yellowfins.

Mandarin duck – Tangerines are named so for their bright scales. Undoubtedly, they will be an excellent decoration for your aquarium.

Emperor snapper – They say that the ancestor of this fish was the Emperor of the Indian Ocean. Judging by her noble color, this is true.

Salif the Brute – A very sweet and polite fish, but it’s still better not to anger it.

Indigo – The elegant lower fins of the Indigo fish give its movements majesty and grace.

Striped Bodian – This striped little fish is also called the caramel fish for its characteristic resemblance to a lollipop.

Anthias Barletta – You need to keep an eye on these beauties: anthias can jump out of the aquarium out of boredom!

Great Coryphene – Coryphene is known as a terror for fish and fry, but in your aquarium it promises not to offend anyone.

Flying fish – Flying fish, winner of the “Flyer of the Year” competition, the first sea jumper – now in your aquarium!

Grumpy fish – In fact, grunt fish are quite peaceful. Playing with stones and hiding in caves are their favorite activities!

Pipe fish – This unique fish can slip through the eye of a needle! Especially if she has lunch waiting there.

And many many MORE!

Publisher: Playrix
Content rating: Everyone
Initial release: Mar 2, 2016


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